Cost Calculator
Online Order
Direct Print Cost Calculator
Prices based on the Screen Art LLC. direct screen price list revised
November 1, 2021.

Use the form below to estimate the approximate cost for your direct print. Costs are determined per print. If your garment requires multiple prints, you will need to calculate additional prints separately. Keep in mind this is a calculated estimate and your actual costs can vary slightly or significantly depending on the accuracy of the information provided. Additional set-up and art service charges may apply. Oversized prints may incur additional charges. Tax rate will vary by state. Shipping costs are not included.

Please contact a Screen Art customer service representative to get a customized job quote at (714) 891-4185.

Art Services and/or Film Output
(Minimum Art Charge - $25.00 | Films - $15.00 per color)
Fold & Bag Tees - $0.37 per item
Fold & Bag Fleece - $0.48 per item
Hang-Tag - $0.11 per item
Sew-in Label - $0.29 per item
Size Sticker - $0.07 per item
Items for Resale - No Sales Tax
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